This Chef's Wife is much more than a Chef's wife lately. Since I last decided to post, a while year ago!, a lot has happened. We have another baby! We have moved! We are innkeepers! We are currently in the middle of the crazy stressfulness of running another business. It has been hugely expensive and we are trying to renovate. Renovating is supposed to be fun but guess what? It isn't. I actually absolutely hate it. I hate spending money and I really hate spending money when I feel like there are less expensive options out there.
Things have been stressful lately. I feel like I never do enough. There is always so much to do. It can be exhausting. At some point you just need to accept that you can't do it all.
I need to find help. It's hard to decide how much help I should have with the kids. I certainly need help so that I can work but I also don't want to miss too much. We moved from the city so that I wouldn't miss all this. I need to find the balance, which as always, can be a bit of a struggle.